Uploading Files

How to upload files into Library Items


The Upload Box

Any file can be uploaded to a Library Item where the upload box is shown; the dash bordered box with a cloud symbol in it. Multiple files can be uploaded at once of any size. If you are expecting to be able to upload files to a Library Item (for instance a Folder) and can't, check that you have permissions to upload to this folder. The permissions you have are displayed in the top left of a folder when it's opened.

Library folder upload box
A Library Folder with the upload box highlighted. Notice the permission level explanation in the top right.

Files can be dragged into this box from your computer, or clicking this box will open a dialogue in your browser to select files to upload. Make sure to select files, not folders.

File Revisions

The Library employs a very simple file versioning system; when a file is being uploaded, if a file of the same name is found, a new version is added.

This is best explained once you have selected some files to upload. When this happens an upload dialogue will be shown, allowing you to see the files being uploaded, if they are going to update previous files and the option to add comments.

The Library upload confirmation dialogue
The dialogue shown when files are selected for upload. Notice one file is being updated, the other is a new.

Clicking "Upload" will start the upload process, and that's it!